Our Work

Using a human centered design approach to affect change

What We've Done

We do all kinds of amazing work across multiple industries...

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From early work in design consultancies like IDEO Product Development, to fashion home goods, the design of consumer products is the first point of contact with customers.


New mobility concept design and human machine interface research point to new experiences in how we move and interact, both physically and virtually.


The work of environmental design (interior, residential and commercial) challenges a designer to think not only of product interactions but user experience through space and time. 


This work is rooted in a fundamental exploration of the fine and graphic arts, exploring the subtle differences that each new medium brings.


One of my greatest joys is teaching others about design. I cherish giving back to a community and profession that has given me such rich opportunities. 


My design work, teaching and research have been recognized all over the world. I'm humbled by the  accolades and strive every day to improve and grow. 

Who We Work With

1000+ Products Designed

Whether developing training programs or new product lines and customer experiences, we're always looking for new ways to help innovate with our client partners.

Some of our recent clients


What our clients say

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Our Services

Helping your company provide amazing new experiences...

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Product Development

Conceive, Visualize and Execute new product designs and guide towards mass production.

Customer Research User Experience

Conduct customer discovery, detail their journeys, and provide you insightful strategies on how to cater towards their needs in a resonant way.

Executive Training

Educate your best performers to be more creative, innovative and empathetic, with a focus towards unlocking hidden value with your customers.